Employee Benefit Plans and Policies
Affordable Care Act Requirements (ACA)
The Affordable Care Act requires certain employers with at least 50 full-time employees (full-time or equivalents) to offer medical
insurance coverage to its full-time employees (and their dependents). Full-time is defined as an employee who works an average of 30 hours per week during the Measurement Period.
Definition of Measurement Period, Administration Period, and Stability period
The Measurement Period is described as the measure of time that is not less than three but not more than 12 consecutive calendar months, as chosen by the employer. The Claremont Colleges has established an ongoing measurement period of 12 months which will coordinate with the annual benefit plan year.
- the first measurement period will begin October 4, 2013 and end on October 3, 2014. Thereafter, the ongoing measurement period will run from October 4 to October 3.
- the first administration period will be the period from October 4, 2014 through December 31, 2014. Thereafter, the ongoing administration period will run from October 4 through December 31.
- the first stability period (the period of time an employee is eligible for medical insurance) will run from January 1, 2015 through December 31, 2015. Thereafter, the ongoing stability period will run from January 1 through December 31.
- the initial measurement period for newly hired employees to determine their eligibility for medical insurance effective on or after January 1, 2015 will start on the first of the month following date of hire and run for a period of 12 consecutive months. A newly hired employee is an employee hired after October 4, 2013.The administration period will then run for a period of ]0 days from that date on which the 12-month period ends and the initial stability period will run for a period of 12 months from the end of the administration period. Thereafter, the newly hired employee will default into the ongoing measurement, administration and stability periods described above.
Last updated: 1/1/15
Back up Care Options Programs
Backup Care Options is a unique program to support employees when they experience a temporary gap in their normal care arrangements and need to get to work. Through this benefit, you have access to experienced Backup Care Specialists 24 hours a day, 7 days a week. These specialists find and schedule care for your dependents on your behalf so you can get to work with confidence.
Pitzer College partners with Bright Horizons® to offer employees up to 80 hours of backup care per calendar year for times when you need to be at work and your regular care arrangements for your child or adult/elder relative* is unavailable. For example:
- School or child care center is closed for holidays, parent/teacher conferences, etc.
- Your regular caregiver is ill or vacation.
- Your child or relative is ill and requires care at home.
- Your spouse or relative is recovering from medical treatment.
- You’re traveling on business and need care for your child or adult relative either at home or in your destination city.
*Eligible Dependents/Relatives
If you are a benefits-eligible faculty or staff member in regular position, you may use this benefit to provide care for an individual for whom you are the primary caregiver, including your child, spouse or domestic partner, parent, grandparent, or grandchild. It also includes these persons in a “step” relationship to you. This benefit is not transferrable nor can you gift your hours to another employee.
Program Costs
Pitzer College covers the majority of the costs. You are billed a co-pay after the backup care is received.
- $2 co-pay per hour per child for center-based care
- $4 co-pay per hour for home care (rate applies for up to three dependents)
- 80 hours of care per employee per calendar year (primary caregivers only)
Registration is Required
Registration is required before the first time you schedule care. To register, visit http://backup.brighthorizons.com/. Your “Welcome Packet” with information about the program will be accessible on the web site after you log in or can be mailed to your home.
How the Program Works
Scheduling Care
You may call to schedule backup care up to 30 days in advance. To schedule care, call toll-free at (877) 242-2737 or visit our website at http://backup.brighthorizons.com/. You will speak directly with a Backup Care Specialist who will gather pertinent information from you including:
- Names and ages of individuals needing care
- Dates and times care is needed
- Type of care preferred (child care center or home care provider)
- Location of care (close to home, close to work or at an adult relative’s home)
- Any other special needs or requests
After collecting your information, the Specialist will begin scheduling care from a database of carefully selected and contracted child care centers and home care agencies. You will receive periodic updates throughout the scheduling process. The Specialist will identify available caregivers, discuss your options with you and schedule care on your behalf.
Visit http://backup.brighthorizons.com/ or call (877) 242-2737 for detailed program policies, including the Backup Care Options cancellation policy.
Last updated: 9/9/15
Computer Loan Policy
Purpose/Overview: Eligible faculty and staff members may apply for an interest-free loan not to exceed $2,000 for the purchase of one computer.
Only one loan is allowed per faculty or staff member. This loan may not be used for the purchase of peripherals or additional components. The purchase of an extended warranty is allowed.
Loans must be repaid within 18 months. Loan payments will be made in equal monthly installments through automatic payroll deduction.
If a faculty or staff member’s employment terminates with the College before the loan is repaid in full, the balance of the loan amount will be immediately due.
Eligibility: All loan applicants must meet benefits-eligibility requirements.
Faculty in tenured or tenure-track positions.
Staff in positions classified as “regular” employment. Must first complete one year of full-time employment or four years of continuous part-time employment. Full-time employment for staff is defined as working 12 months, 40 hours per week. Part-time is defined as any regular employment, less than 12 months but at least 20 hours per week.
This policy excludes temporary or on-call staff status, or visiting/adjunct faculty status.
Procedure: Each year, the pool of available loan funds will be allocated 50% to faculty and 50% to staff. Loans are granted on a first-come first-serve basis. Once the maximum number of loans for the year has been granted, a waiting list will be established.
Faculty: apply through the Dean of Faculty.
Staff: apply through the Director of Human Resources.
After obtaining approval from the Dean of Faculty or the Director of Human Resources, the faculty/staff member can purchase one computer.
The faculty/staff member must complete the computer purchase within four weeks of notification that the funds are available to avoid delaying the availability of funds to others on the waiting list.
After the purchase, the faculty/staff member meets with the Office of Human Resources or assigned designee to sign a promissory note. Loan payments will begin the month the promissory note is signed.
Note: The computer purchased by the employee is the sole responsibility of the employee, including support, maintenance, repairs, and all other ownership responsibilities.
Last updated: 02/25/2021
Health Insurance benefits for Eligible Employees
If you are eligible for benefits, you will be provided information for how to enroll in benefits and attending a benefits orientation conducted by the CUC Benefits Administration Office. As a new employee you must apply for benefits within 31 days of your benefits eligibility effective date; a period called the Initial Eligibility Period. If your date of employment is the first of the month, your coverage will become effective on your date of employment. If your date of employment is any date other than the first of the month, your benefits coverage will become effective the first day of the following month.
After your Initial Eligibility Period, your application for enrollment in, and/or changes to your existing coverage will only be accepted during an annual Open Enrollment period held in November, or per the occurrence of a “life event” as defined by the IRS. Examples of a life event are the birth, adoption, or death of a dependent; marriage, divorce, or loss of coverage due to a spouse’s unemployment. You are responsible for requesting benefits changes due to a life event and you must submit your enrollment within 30 days of the effective date of the life event, including any supporting documentation required.
A federal law known as COBRA may entitle you and your eligible dependents to continue health insurance benefits under our group plans after termination of employment or under certain other circumstances where coverage would otherwise be lost. Continuation of coverage is maintained at the employee’s or dependent’s expense. At the time of hire, employees and their spouses are provided with detailed notice of their rights under COBRA.
For more information regarding our benefits enrollment procedures, please contact the Pitzer Human Resources Office at (909) 621-8254 or hr@delicious-drop.com, or the CUC Benefits Administration Office at (909) 607-3195 or benefits@cuc.claremont.edu.
Last updated: 9/17/15
Eligibility for Health Benefits
Please refer to the Benefits Eligbility Statement of The Claremont Colleges available from the Pitzer Human Resources office (909-621-8254; hr@delicious-drop.com) or the CUC Benefits Administration Office (909-607-3195; benefits@cuc.claremont.edu).
Changes, Additions, or Deletions to Benefit Plans
Changing Benefit Elections
In general, the option to elect a benefit is available only at initial eligibility. The option to elect or modify a previous benefit election is available during an open enrollment period or if a life event occurs.
Section 125 (Pre-tax deductions and Life Events)
Normally, any employee contribution required for participation in the Colleges’ medical, dental, and vision programs is deducted from employee pay on a pre-tax basis, as permitted under Section 125 of the Internal Revenue Code. Under Section 125 and applicable regulations, pre-tax payroll deduction is considered to be irrevocable and unchangeable during the calendar year, except under certain circumstances referred to as life events. Life events include marriage, divorce or legal separation from spouse, death of spouse or child, birth or adoption of child, termination of employment of spouse, or change in the employment status of the spouse that causes a change in benefit options available.
An employee may waive participation under Section 125 at any time. The election to waive participation is prospective only, is effective as of the beginning of the next calendar year until specifically revoked, and must be made before January 1 of the plan year affected. Such a waiver is on a plan year basis and results in employee payroll deductions for medical, dental, and vision coverage to be made on an after-tax basis. Specifically, this waiver would permit deletion of coverage without the occurrence of a relevant life event.
Changing Health Plans
After the initial eligibility period the option to select an alternative College-sponsored health plan is available only during an open enrollment period, except that an employee covered by a College sponsored health plan who retires may change College sponsored health plans at time of enrolling in the Colleges’ Retiree Group Insurance.
Adding Dependents
Coverage for eligible dependents may be elected at initial eligibility or during an open enrollment period. Newly acquired dependents (i.e., by reason of birth, marriage, adoption, etc) may be added within ]0 days of their becoming eligible. Coverage is effective the first day of the month after birth, adoption, marriage, etc. Premium is payable from the date a dependent’s coverage is effective.
Deleting Coverage
Employee coverage and coverage for spouse, domestic partner and/or dependent child(ren) may be deleted only during an open enrollment period, or upon the occurrence of one of the above noted life events, unless the employee has waived participation under Section 125 as noted above.
Last updated: 1/1/15
Accidental Death and Dismemberment (AD&D) Insurance
The Accidental Death and Dismemberment (AD&D) plan provides participating employees and their eligible dependents with certain benefits in the event of death or dismemberment due to an accident, anywhere, on or off the job. The employee pays the full premium.
Last updated: 9/17/15
Dental Insurance
he College offers two dental plan options and shares the cost of the plans with you. The Dental Maintenance Organization (DMO) plan provides a broad base of dental coverage. The insured individuals must choose a dental provider from the directory of available providers to receive benefits. The indemnity plan (Dental Preferred Provider Organization, DPPO) provides the freedom of electing a dental provider of choice. If you choose to participate in a dental plan, your premiums will be deducted on a pre-tax basis, unless you request or Internal Revenue Code requires it be otherwise.
Last updated: 9/17/15
Employee Assistance Program
The EAP provides free counseling, advisory and referral services for employees and their dependents through a network of licensed professionals for psychological counseling, as well as legal and financial advising. The services are completely confidential and administered by an outside vendor. The benefit provides five free sessions per calendar year, per issue for employees, and five free sessions per calendar year for family members living in the employee’s household. Pitzer pays the full premium.
Last updated: 9/9/15
Life Insurance
Pitzer College pays for a Life Insurance Policy benefit of no less than $20,000 and up to $50,000 for eligible employees based on their annualized salary rounded to the next 1,000. Employees may purchase additional life insurance for themselves, their spouse, domestic partner, or their dependents.
Last updated: 9/17/15
Long-Term Care (LTC) Insurance
Long-term care insurance plan provides participating employees and their eligible dependents with certain benefits in the event of that they need care for personal needs such as bathing, dressing, eating, continence, toileting and transferring due to a chronic medical or physical condition, anywhere, on or off the job. The employee pays the full premium.
Last updated: 9/18/15
Long-Term Disability Insurance
This coverage provides a monthly benefit, after approval by the insurance company, if you are totally disabled for longer than six months and cannot “engage in any occupation for which you are reasonably suited by education, training, or experience.” Remember that you must work a regular schedule of 30 hours per week or more, to participate in this program. Pitzer pays the full premium for this benefit program.
Last updated: 9/17/15
Medical Insurance
Three options for health plan coverage are available to eligible employees. These health programs provide comprehensive medical and hospital benefits to you, your spouse, your dependents, your domestic partner, and your domestic partner’s children. The College shares the cost with you. If you choose to participate, your premiums will be deducted on a pre-tax basis, unless you request or Internal Revenue Code requires it be otherwise. Most insurance plans will provide you a membership card from the health care plan you select; some companies are “paperless” and will provide you a member packet providing information regarding your plan benefits.
Last updated: 9/17/15
Retirement Plan – Academic Retirement Plan (ARP)
The Colleges provide basic and supplemental retirement plans that make it possible for eligible employees to accumulate a retirement benefit. Pitzer’s basic plan is a contribution calculated as 12% of your salary into an Academic Retirement Plan (ARP) account administered by TIAA-CREF. Your eligibility date is based on your position’s grade level and employment start date. The Pitzer Human Resources Office will inform you of your eligibility date and will provide you with account set up forms to select your investment funds.
The “supplemental” retirement plan allows you to save additional funds for retirement to a Tax-Deferred Annuity (TDA) or a Roth after-tax account. Eligible employees may participate in the supplemental retirement plan immediately upon employment at Pitzer by making voluntary contributions based on a flat amount or percentage of their pay. To begin your contributions, please contact the Pitzer Human Resources Office for a Salary Reduction Agreement form.
If you are retiring, you should make an appointment with a CUC Retirement Services staff member at least six months before your retirement date, to discuss benefits options and distribution options on retirement payments. You can reach a the CUC Retirement Services Office at (909) 621-8805.
Last updated: 9/17/15
Travel Accident Insurance
Eligible employees are covered for accidental death or dismemberment while traveling on college-authorized business. Pitzer pays the full premium.
Last updated: 6/1/12
Tuition Remission Program
Eligibility: All benefit-eligible employees in regular positions at Pitzer College who qualify under the following guidelines, will be covered under this Tuition Reimbursement Plan. Staff in temporary positions, and faculty in non tenure track appointments are not eligible. Full-time employment for staff is defined as working 12 months, 40 hours per week. Part-time is defined as any regular employment, less than 12 months but at least 20 hours per week, and excludes temporary or on-call status.
Full-Time Employee Coverage: After l2 months of full-time continuous employment at Pitzer College, employees shall be eligible to receive: (a) full tuition support for up to four courses per academic year (summer inclusive), when enrolled as degree candidates in good standing at Pitzer College; or (b) up to two courses per academic year (summer inclusive), when enrolled as degree candidates at any one of The Claremont Colleges.
Dependent Children of Full-Time Employees: After l2 months of full-time continuous employment at Pitzer College, the dependent children of employees shall be eligible to receive half-tuition support, not to exceed one-half the cost of Pitzer tuition, when enrolled as degree candidates in good academic standing at any one of the undergraduate Claremont Colleges.
Class Attendance for Full-Time Employees: Full-time employees may be granted up to three hours leave per week at the discretion of the employee’s supervisor to attend classes conducted during the traditional work hours of the College.
Part-Time Employee Coverage: After four years of continuous employment at Pitzer College, regular part-time staff working at least 20 hours per week are eligible to receive full tuition support for up to four courses per academic year (summer inclusive) at Pitzer College when enrolled as degree candidates in good standing.
Dependent Children of Part-Time Employees: After four years of continuous employment at Pitzer College, the dependent children of part-time employees shall be eligible to receive half-tuition support, when enrolled as a degree candidates in good academic standing at Pitzer College.
Payments: Tuition reimbursement will be made to the student’s account only upon successful completion of coursework. It is the responsibility of the student and/or employee to submit an application form to the Director of Human Resources at the beginning of each semester. Forms will be forwarded to the College Registrar for verification of course completion at the end of each semester.
Tuition Remission Application and Taxability Forms
Important Notice: Tuition is defined as such and may not be applied to any other expenses, such as room & board, laboratory fees, doctoral study fees, continuing education fees, community fees, off campus fees, etc.
Auditing: With instructor approval, any Pitzer College employee may audit courses at any of The Claremont Colleges.
Death Benefit: Half-tuition will be paid by Pitzer College for dependent children when enrolled at any one of the undergraduate Claremont Colleges as degree candidates in good academic standing up to five years from the date of death of any employee who has served the College for five or more years. Where death occurs between two and five years, the College shall adjudicate the half tuition privilege.
Unpaid Leave Status: Employees on unpaid leave status are not normally eligible to receive tuition reimbursement benefits for themselves during the period of their leave.
Taxation of Tuition Remission Benefits: We advise you to check with your own tax consultant regarding taxation questions, however the following information summarizes the most recent IRS tax regulations regarding taxation of benefits provided under the College’s tuition reimbursement plan.
Undergraduate Coursework is Not Taxable: Under current Internal Revenue regulations, tuition reimbursement payments for undergraduate work (for employees and/or their dependents) are excludable from gross income and are therefore not considered taxable income.
Graduate Level Coursework:
Not Taxable: When graduate level education is undertaken for the purpose of maintaining and improving skills required in your employment, or for meeting express employment requirements (i.e. required to keep your job), or when a graduate student performs teaching or research activities at the educational organization, and when the education does not qualify you for a new trade or business, the benefit is excluded from taxable income (not taxable).
Taxable: When the coursework is not work-related or if the education qualifies a person for a new trade or business, the benefit is taxable.
Last updated: 9/9/15
Tuition Exchange Program Membership
Pitzer recently joined the Tuition Exchange (TE) program, which provides dependents of Pitzer employees the opportunity to earn an undergraduate degree at one of more than 700 colleges and universities at significant savings. The children of full-time, benefits-eligible Pitzer employees may qualify to apply for a TE scholarship at other participating schools.
The TE program is separate from the College’s tuition remission benefit, which applies only to enrollment at Pitzer and the other Claremont Colleges.
Dependents of full-time faculty and staff who have been employed for one year and are in good standing are eligible. TE cannot be used by full-time employees or for part-time student status. It is primarily for undergraduate study, although some TE member schools award scholarships for graduate study. Full details about TE scholarships and member schools can be found on the TE website. Visit the Office of Human Resources for more information.
Tuition Exchange Overview
TE scholarships are granted to undergraduates seeking their first bachelor’s degree (not including progressive degrees) and are awarded based on policies set by each member school.
Tuition Exchange is a scholarship program NOT an employee benefit. Students are not guaranteed admission or receipt of the scholarship at member institutions, and not all Pitzer employees will be eligible for this program. TE is attractive for many employees and prospective students as it makes higher education more accessible and affordable.
At this time there are no limits on the number of Pitzer employee dependents that may apply for TE scholarships annually. However, in the unlikely event the program changes the current balance of trade policy, a lottery system may be used to determine the number of applications that will be allowed from the dependents of Pitzer employees.
Pitzer’s TE scholarships are awarded for up to eight semesters, depending on entering class level and number of approved transfer credits earned by scholarship recipients. Scholarships are a maximum of eight semesters or until gradation, whichever comes first.
There is no spring admission cycle for TE, and funding for summer terms is not available. Scholarships are renewed each year dependent upon satisfactory academic progress as defined by Pitzer, good conduct, and continued parental benefit eligibility.
Program Eligibility
The following eligibility conditions apply for Pitzer employees:
- Must be a benefits-eligible, full-time faculty or staff member;
- Must have completed at least one year of full-time service at Pitzer;
- If an employee leaves Pitzer with 10-years of service, there is no impact to the student’s eligibility if they are currently receiving a TE scholarship. For employees without 10-years of service, the TE scholarship terminates at the conclusion of the semester in which the employee ends their employment relationship with Pitzer.
Employee dependents:
- Must be biological or legally-adopted child or stepchild (other children under an employee’s legal guardianship are not eligible);
- Must be under age 26 (the scholarship will expire at the end of the semester in which the child turns 26)
For more information or to confirm your eligibility, please contact Human Resources at hr@delicious-drop.com or 909-621-8254.
Before Applying
Start by studying the TE website, which includes an informational webinar and a complete list of participating schools. The School Search page also includes detailed information on each member school, including:
- Important deadlines, including the date by which scholarships are generally announced;
- What and how much is covered by the school’s scholarship (e.g. all or part of tuition expenses, food, housing, etc.);
- Whether the scholarship can be applied to study abroad programs;
- Whether the scholarship is reserved for first-year students only;
- Percentage of applicants who are awarded the scholarship;
- Minimum GPA required to renew scholarship annually;
All students must formally apply for admission to each college or university by the school’s posted admission deadlines, with no reference to tuition exchange eligibility. Please note, an application is complete if all forms are submitted by the intended round of admission (this includes financial aid documents, TE forms, etc.).
There are multiple steps to the TE process. Please ensure you begin the application process approximately 10-12 months before your student plans to attend college to meet the various deadlines.
Tuition Exchange Application Process for Pitzer Dependents
Eligible faculty and staff who wish their dependents to apply for TE scholarship consideration will need to submit the Tuition Exchange Online Application (through the Tuition Exchange website) during the time period of October-February of the year prior to actual year requesting. This form is used by the Pitzer TE Liaison to assist in the dependent’s application to other TE member school(s).
Applications may be sent to up to 10 schools, if the dependent intends to apply for admission to all of the TE member schools indicated on the application. Dependents must meet the admissions deadlines at the desired TE member schools(s) before the TE member school(s) will consider the applicant for a TE scholarship.
What Happens Next?
If your student is granted admission to one or more TE schools, each institution will then evaluate the applicant’s academic merit as a possible TE scholarship recipient. Note that early admission does not mean the TE decision will be made earlier than the published TE announcement date on the TE website.
If your student is awarded a TE scholarship, the school(s) then notify Pitzer and the student. You must notify Human Resources of your decision to accept a TE scholarship by emailing hr@delicious-drop.com (note “Tuition Exchange” in the subject line).
If your student is not granted a TE scholarship, you can reapply the following year as long as you remain eligible under the conditions listed above and the member school does not limit the scholarship to incoming first-years students only.
Pitzer Tuition Exchange Liaison:
Deanna Caballero
Associate Vice President of Human Resources & Payroll Services
Office of Human Resources
HR@Pitzer.edu 909-621-8254
Please note that students of Pitzer employees interested in applying to and attending Pitzer should not do so through the TE program. Rather, they should apply for admission and financial aid through the regular process. Eligible dependents that are admitted and enroll at Pitzer will receive the standard tuition remission benefit, in addition to other financial aid they may qualify for based on demonstrated need.
Last updated: 10/25/2021
Social Security and Medicare Benefits
The College pays the required amount into your Social Security (Old Age, Survivor & Disability Income; OASDI) and Medicare accounts. Your portion is withheld from your paycheck and forwarded to Social Security as required by law.
Last updated: 6/1/12
Short-Term Disability (VDI) Insurance
The State of California requires all employees to participate in a short-term disability insurance program. The Claremont Colleges administer a voluntary disability insurance (VDI) in-house to comply with the Unemployment Insurance Code of the State of California. This program may provide partial compensation for wages lost while you are on an approved medical leave of absence. To provide salary continuation, your available sick leave will be coordinated with your VDI payments. If those benefits are exhausted, you may elect to use your available vacation time. The program does not cover illness or injuries for which you receive Workers’ Compensation benefits. Short-term disability application packets are available from the CUC Disability Office (909-607-7946) or from the Pitzer Human Resources Office.
Last updated: 9/17/15
Workers Compensation Insurance
The State of California requires that employers provide Workers Compensation Insurance for work-related injuries or illnesses. Under provisions of the Workers Compensation Act of the State of California, The Claremont Colleges provide insurance — at no cost to you — in case of injury, illness or death caused by your employment. This coverage provides partial payment of your salary as well as medical treatment, death benefits and certain other benefits.
All work-related injuries and illnesses must be reported to your supervisor immediately (or within 24 hours), so that accident reports and other necessary forms can be completed in a timely manner. If the injury requires medical attention, your supervisor, a Pitzer Human Resources Office staff member, or the CUC Disability Office will provide authorization for you to visit a nearby clinic on the network of providers of the workers’ compensation insurance carrier. Unless you have pre-designated your personal physician for workers’ compensation claims, you will be required to visit a medical provider on the insurance carrier’s network to receive medical attention covered by the College.
If the injury or illness results in an immediate hospitalization, your benefits will begin the first day you are unable to work. If you are not hospitalized, there is a three-day waiting period. To provide salary continuation, you can authorize the use of your available sick and vacation time to be coordinated with your Workers’ Compensation payments.
For claim forms please contact the CUC Workers’ Compensation Office at (909) 621-8847 or the Pitzer College Human Resources Office.
Last updated: 9/17/15
Termination of Employment – Converting Benefits
Some benefit programs may be converted or extended after your employment is terminated. Please contact a CUC Benefits Specialist for more information at (909) 607-3195 or by email at benefits@cuc.claremont.edu.
Last updated: 9/17/15